The interface

The Graphical User Interface, or GUI for short, is the main workspace for AnimeEffects and consists of the various parts that can be seen in the image bellow.
Our interface is written using the Qt framework, which gives it a distinct look you may have seen in other applications.

Let's go through all the parts one by one.

The Menu Bar

A classic, the menu bar is a very important part of many application because it contains various useful commands, let's give them a small summary! And don't worry, we'll touch on important options later.

  • File

    New Project
    • Creates a new project based on the parameters given by the user.
    Open Project
    • Allows you to select an existing project file to open.
    Open Recent
    • Lets you to select from a dropdown menu a recently opened file.
    Save Project
    • Saves your current project (Ctrl - S).
    Save Project As
    • Allows you to name and select where to save your current project
    Export As
    • Lets you to export to various file formats through a dropdown menu.
    Close Project
    • Closes the current project.
  • Edit

    • Undoes the latest action performed (Ctrl - Z).
    • Performs the latest undone action (Shift - Ctrl - Z)
  • Project

    Set canvas size
    • Allows you to resize your canvas to an specified width and height measured in pixels.
    Set maximum frame count
    • Lets you change how many frames the animation should have.
    Set animation loop
    • Allows you to select wether the animation loops or not.
    Set frames per second
    • Lets you change the playback speed of your animation.
  • Window

    Resource Window
    • This will show you a very special window that we'll discuss later.
  • Options

    General Settings
    • This will open a menu that will allow you to customize your expirience with AnimeEffects, from the language, to your theme, autosaves, etc.
    Mouse Settings
    • This will allow you to change how the mouse interacts with the canvas and the timeline.
    Key bindings
    • This allow you to change your keybinds.
  • Help

    About AnimeEffects
    • This will give you a window with information about the current version of AnimeEffects, you can get more info by clicking the "Show details" button.
    Check for updates
    • This let's you check if you have the latest and greatest version of AnimeEffects, you can also download updates or visit the release site from here!

The Tool Dock

A dock filled with useful tools to bring your animations to life!

We make reference to nodes in this part of the documentation, and while we will discuss them in detail later, for now you should know that this is how we refer to images and folders.

:inline Shows the mesh from the currently selected node.
:inline Don't draw images outside the canvas.
:inline Rotate the canvas by 15° counterclockwise.
:inline Reset the canvas rotation.
:inline Rotate the canvas by 15° clockwise.
:inline Panning tool, it lets you scroll through the canvas by using your mouse.

:inline Transforming tool, selecting it gives you the option to move and rotate images, it also gives you the option to:

  • :inline Select an animation key type to forcefully create through movement with this tool.
  • :inline Move the center of the image.

:inline Bone tool, selecting it gives you access to various tools to create, destroy and manipulate bones, these tools are:

  • :inline Allows you to add new bones to a node.
  • :inline Allows you to remove bones from a node.
  • :inline Allows you to move bone joints.
  • :inline Allows you to bind a bone to a node.
  • :inline Allows you to adjust the influence a bone exerts on a node by dragging it.
  • :inline Allows you to adjust the influence a bone exerts on a node by painting it.
  • :inline Allows you to erase a previously defined influence.
:inline Posing tool, selecting this allows you to move the bones you have created, manipulating the mesh of the node according to the bone influence.

Under construction 🏗️

The Animation Dock

The Property Dock

The Main View

The Console